Anyway, his reflection today was on the "Weakness of the Baby Jesus". When I first heard this, I was like, "say, wha?? God, weak, uh no" but then I listened further to the wise and humble words of Pope Emeritus.... and let me tell ya'll...mind blown.
Here are some words from his mediation that really stuck out to me profoundly.
"The weakness of the baby Jesus. At the heart of the mystery is the paradox that the glorious God decides to manifest himself in the helplessness of a child who is overlooked by adult society and comes into the world in a stable. The powerlessness of a child has become the proper expression of God's all subduing power. For the only force He employs is the silence force of truth and love. It was then in the defenseless weakness of a child that God wanted us to have our first encounter of saving mercy."
I often reflected on why God came as a baby, in a stable. And while I am sure this is one of those mysteries that will have us constantly striving to understand the way of God through it, I can't help but think of the relevancy of the weakness of the baby Jesus that there is today. Although his reflection was not specifically on pro life issues, my mind couldn't help but gravitate towards it after reading his words.
There is absolutely no mistaking that babies are being overlooked by our adult society. This is a hot topic in today's world. Candidates for presidency are being elected or not elected in our country in large part because of this one topic. Children are the prey and our country is divided because of this.
So why baby Jesus? Pope Emeritus says that "the powerlessness of the child has become the proper expression of God's all subduing power". The Lord crushes Satan and sin but the only "force he employs is the silence of truth and love". He says that it was "in the defenseless weakness of a child that God wanted us to have our first encounter of saving mercy".
I believe this speaks truth to the pro life movement. That the very act of a God choosing a child, a baby, to come into the world speaks profound truth to the fact that saving mercy can come from the defenseless weakness of a child. That through an unplanned pregnancy, even in the case of rape or incest, absolute saving mercy and an encounter with Jesus can come from choosing life for that child.
I've witnessed it in our own adoption. Saving grace and mercy healed and redeemed our birth mother. She has a strong relationship with Christ now because of her choice of life and because of the beautiful healing the Lord did during her pregnancy and even still does now through our beautiful semi open relationship we have with her.
This Christmas I'll be reflecting on the saving power of God, paying close attention to His purposeful use of a baby. And I'll be lifting up my prayers for birth mothers and fathers who need the Lord's healing. I'll be praying that the force of truth and love come into their lives and hearts through the children they carry in their flesh. I ask you to join me in the prayer for life and healing. Because I believe that redemption of our world can come through a country that stands firmly for life.