Sunday, October 11, 2015

Because He said so

My husband recently told me that I needed to start blogging again. He said he knows writing is good for me and that it allows others to have a glimpse into my interior which I rarely, with my wounded and introverted self, allow others to do.

I took a slight break from blogging for several reason one being TIME! I have no idea how mommy bloggers get the time to write as much as they do! Another reason being that once you are vulnerable and allow others in to your thoughts, fears, hopes and dreams through a platform like this, you're going to have others that disagree or don't connect with what you are writing. There are also times that I will fail in effectively communicating how I really feel through this blog. It's tough sometimes to relay all of my random thoughts and feelings into a nice, concise, pretty and pleasing-to-all blog post. But alas, here I sit with my hot bowl of tomato soup on a rainy, baby-napping afternoon, giving it a shot again.

So much about me has changed over the last  two years (wow!) since my son being born. I've earned a great respect and admiration to mothers, especially single mothers. I often think to myself, during sleepless nights how those brave women do it. I've been navigating my way through first time motherhood, particularly adoptive motherhood. I've been relishing in these baby moments with my son. It's definitely an interesting feeling going through motherhood of an infant and not knowing if I will ever experience this again. Savoring my moments with him and feeling in complete awe and unworthiness daily, of this incredible gift from God. Understanding ever deeper that Joshua has been entrusted to us for a time but that ultimately he is God's son above all.

This blog is about the journey that God has for my life. How I am meant to live it with a passion for it to be pleasing to Him above all else (even though I fail at this often!). This blog is about my journey through motherhood and life. I will be sharing what I feel called to share in hopes to help others understand adoption through my eyes and possibly help those first time adoptive parents or soon to be adoptive parents navigate their way through the process as well. With that said, I am a sinner. Pray for me. And if you will, walk with me through my personal faith journey.

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